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Not to be confused with Dueler's Guild.
Brawler's Guild leaders

Bizmo and Boss Bazzelflange, leaders of the Brawler's Guilds

The first rule of brawls is you don’t talk about the brawls. The second rule...[1]

The Brawler's Guild is an organization that arranges one on one battles between willing combatants, captured monsters, and other participants in gladiatorial combat. Being a neutral organization, members of the Horde and Alliance are both allowed to enter, rising through the Brawler's Guild ranks with more wins. Prizes are awarded at higher ranks. The fights are all solo PvE matches in which the players must adapt and use different strategies depending on which opponent they are currently facing, making the Brawler's Guild one of the most challenging PvE activities a player can attempt on their own.

The announcer will change between Bizmo and Boss Bazzelflange according to the location (respectively Bizmo's Brawlpub and the Brawl'gar Arena).


Brawl'gar Arena

Brawl'gar Arena

On 27 November, patch 5.1 and the Brawler's Guild went live, and Community Manager Nethaera again confirmed how invites will be obtained. "Entry into the brawler’s guild is by invitation only. Invitations can be found on the Black Market Auction House, by invitation from somebody within the guild, and occasionally as drops from certain Horde and Alliance NPCs." [2][3]

The Inv misc bandage 05 [Blood-Soaked Invitation], which is Bind on Pickup, can be found when you complete Legion dungeons or open Emissary chests.[4]

Upon reaching Rank 7 with Bizmo's Brawlpub or Brawl'gar Arena players will receive one Inv scroll 12 [Brawler's Pass] (Alliance / Horde) in the mail. The pass can be traded and sold on the Auction House to other players and is the only other means to gain access to the Brawler's Guild.

Using either invite, the account is flagged to join the Brawler's Guild, giving all characters on a player's account access to the guild. Future expansions will not get rid of this membership. Once you're in, you're in for life!

A nice little bonus is that once you reach rank 8, this gives you the right to go into the area for VIPs only.

Starting fights[]

To join the queue, speak with any bouncer at Bizmo's Brawlpub in the Deeprun Tram for the Alliance, or Brawl'gar Arena for the Horde:

You here to fight?
Gossip Yes, sign me up for a fight!

Speak to any bouncer or look at the Queued for Brawl buff tooltip to see your spot in line. Then, wait until the queue pops - a boss emote will display warning that the next turn is the adventurer's:

You are next in line!

There will be no warning upon getting teleported to the arena floor. The fight lasts two minutes before the arena itself will kill adventurers who take too long.

Queue system[]

The queue system is built on a first come, first serve basis, with one exception: you will be placed one spot behind for your first fight for the day (current fight, next fight, and your fight). This rule is applied to all your eligible characters individually, not to your account.

After the match[]

Winners will receive a Inv misc bag 11 [Brawler's Purse] and 250 reputation with the Brawler's Guild.

Losers will have to be resurrected.


Brawler's Guild Patch 5

Some of the new gladiators added in Patch 5.3

Normally, challengers will only fight the next higher-ranked gladiator until it is defeated or the challenger throws in the towel, but the addition of Challenge Cards gives challengers the opportunity to relive earlier fights. For the ranked fights, defeating a gladiator will unlock that gladiator's challenge card. There are also rare challenge cards, unlocked upon gaining higher ranks and completing quests that are started by items found in the world.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.
Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Rank 5 Rank 6 Rank 7


The Brawler's Guild was on hiatus since the launch of Patch 8.0 in preparation for "the next big thing".[5]

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Patch 7.1.5 sees the return of the Brawler's Guild, with new challenges and rewards.

Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Rank 5 Rank 6 Rank 7


The Brawler's Guild was on hiatus between the launch of Patch 7.0.3 before Legion in preparation "for the next big thing".[6] The guild returned in Patch 7.1.5.

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

As part of keeping the Brawler's Guild fresh, Patch 6.0.2 retuned the fights for level 100 players, putting an end to the first season of fights. When players reach level 100 they will find that their ranks have been reset to one and the fights have been changed around, with some bosses going away from the rank rotation completely and becoming Challenge Card fights, making a max of eight ranks again. For example, Bruce will now be a Rank 5 fight and Hexos is removed. Players will also find new achievements for reaching the higher ranks again, the old ones being moved to the new Legacy achievements tab.[7]

Legacy fights are those that were part of Season 1, but were removed and made available only through challenge cards.

Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Rank 5 Rank 6 Rank 7
Challenge Card Legacy

Former quests[]

All of these quests and sources were removed in Patch 7.0.3.


Item Quest Zone Notes
Inv misc flute 01 [Knockoff Grumplefloot] N [100] A Knockoff Grumplefloot Kun-Lai Summit /dance with Grandpa Grumplefloot at Grummle Bazaar
Inv misc book 02 [The Bear and the Lady Fair] N [100] A Tale of Romance and Chivalry Shadowmoon Valley Sargerei-affiliated draenei at Socrethar's Rise and Shattrath City
Inv misc noose 01 [Hozen-Fur Fuse] N [100] Boom Boom's Fuse Kun-Lai Summit Kill hozen with Kota Kon on N [20-35 Daily] The Burlap Grind
Inv egg 04 [Frost-Tipped Eggshell] N [100] Frost-Tipped Eggshell Icecrown [47.9, 13.7]VZ-IcecrownBlip Win pet battle against Level 25 elite Doopy
Inv gizmo khoriumpowercore [Dusty Old Robot] N [100] Last Year's Model Anywhere Inv misc gift 03 [Blingtron 4000 Gift Package]
Inv gizmo 03 [Modified Chomping Apparatus] N [100] Modified Chomping Apparatus Brawler's Guilds Buy Inv inscription tooltip darkmooncard mop [Challenge Card: Bruce] and win
Inv stone sharpeningstone 04 [Paper-Covered Rock] N [100] Paper-Covered Rock Valley of the Four Winds Gather crops at Sunsong Ranch
Inv weapon hand 30 [Raptorhide Boxing Gloves] N [100] Raptorhide Boxing Gloves Northern Barrens Rare drop from level 90 Kor'kron mobs
Trade alchemy potionb5 [Vial of Reddish Ooze] N [100] Secret of the Ooze Gorgrond Oozes
Inv misc bone 08 [Impeccably Sharp Tooth] N [100] Teeth Like Swords Pandarian fishing pools Fish of the day pools
Inv misc shovel 01 [Digmaster's Earthblade] N [100] The Digmaster's Earthblade Uldum (Tol'vir dig sites) Or inside Inv crate 02 [Crate of Tol'vir Archaeology Fragments]
Inv belt cloth panstart a 01 [Well-Worn Blindfold] N [100] Well-Worn Blindfold Darkmoon Faire Inv misc gift 04 [Darkmoon Game Prize]


Alliance Dershway the Triggered / Horde "Bad Luck" Symmes
Rank Item Cost
Rank 1 Inv alchemy 70 red [Brawler's Ancient Healing Potion] 2g
Trade alchemy dpotion a28 [Brawler's Potion of Prolonged Power] 15g
Rank 3 Inv misc head clockworkgnome 01 [Clock'em] 500g
Inv fellessergronnmount pale [Tylarr Gronnden] 500g
Rank 4 Inv 60pvp ring1c [Pit Fighter's Punching Ring] 2,000g
Rank 6 Ability siege engineer magnetic crush [Gemcutter Module: Mastery] 1,000g
Rank 8 Inv weapon hand 21 [Brawler's Razor Claws] 1,000g
Inv basaliskmount [Brawler's Burly Basilisk] 4,000g


Season 3[]

|- |}

Season 1 and 2[]

Achievement Description
Inv drink 29 sunkissedwine [Bottle Service (Season 2)] Hit an angry spectator in the head with an [Expired Blackout Brew].
Spell holy fistofjustice [Brawlin' and Shot Callin' (Season 1)] Reach Rank 8 with AllianceBizmo's Brawlpub/HordeBrawl'gar Arena during the Pandaria campaign.
Spell holy fistofjustice [Brawlin' and Shot Callin' (Season 2)] Reach Rank 8 with AllianceBizmo's Brawlpub/HordeBrawl'gar Arena during the Draenor campaign.
Inv inscription tarot volcanocard [Collect Your Deck (Season 2)] Earn the right to purchase challenge cards for the following Brawler's Guild bosses during the Draenor campaign.
Inv inscription tarot volcanocard [Deck Your Collection (Season 1)] Defeat the following Brawler's Guild bosses during the Pandaria campaign.
Inv inscription tarot volcanocard [Deck Your Collection (Season 2)] Defeat the following Brawler's Guild bosses during the Draenor campaign.
Spell shaman spiritwalkersgrace [Haters Gonna Hate (Season 2)] Win a brawl with ten stacks of You Stink! during the Draenor campaign.
Warrior talent icon furyintheblood [Having a Brawl (Season 1)] Reach Rank 9 with AllianceBizmo's Brawlpub/HordeBrawl'gar Arena during the Pandaria campaign.
Thumbup [I'm Your Number One Fan (Season 2)] /Cheer a player on after they have won a brawl during the Draenor campaign.
Pandarenracial quiveringpain [I've Got the Biggest Brawls of Them All (Season 1)] Reach Rank 10 with AllianceBizmo's Brawlpub/HordeBrawl'gar Arena during the Pandaria campaign.
Inv weapon hand 21 [Now You're Just Showing Off (Season 1)] Defeat the following rare brawl bosses during the Pandaria campaign.
Inv weapon hand 21 [Now You're just Showing Off (Season 2)] Defeat the following rare brawl bosses during the Draenor campaign.
Alliance Ability warrior battleshout [Rabble Rabble Rabble (Season 2)] Take Alliance Willard "Bubbles" Wilcox's portal to Orgrimmar during the Draenor campaign.
Horde Ability warrior battleshout [Rabble Rabble Rabble (Season 2)] Take Horde Zippi Gallox's portal to Stormwind during the Draenor campaign. 10 Achievement point
Spell holy silence [The First Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 2)] Get invited to brawl at AllianceBizmo's Brawlpub in the Deeprun Tram/HordeBrawl'gar Arena in Orgrimmar during the Draenor campaign.
Inv misc bandage 08 [The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 1)] Reach Rank 7 with AllianceBizmo's Brawlpub/HordeBrawl'gar Arena during the Pandaria campaign.
Inv misc bandage 05 [The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 2)] Reach Rank 7 with AllianceBizmo's Brawlpub/HordeBrawl'gar Arena during the Draenor campaign.
Inv pants plate 05 [You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates (Season 1)] Win a brawl during the Pandaria campaign.
Inv pants plate 05 [You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates (Season 2)] Win a brawl during the Draenor campaign.


  • The concept of the Brawler's Guild appears to be loosely inspired by the film Fight Club. In particular, the introduction lines "The first rule of brawls is you don’t talk about brawls." and "If this is your first night at Brawler's Guild, you have to fight." are taken almost verbatim from the film. The developers have stated that the "Fight Club vibe" was an intended design aspect.[8]
  • Invitation to the Brawler's Guild was initially extremely limited, with invites only available as rare drops or from the Black Market Auction House. Part of the reason for this design was to reduce the rate at which players were able to access the Guild, due to concerns about server stability and the quality of the play experience with very large numbers of players involved. Knowing that the feature was eagerly anticipated, the developers designed the invitation system to allow players to "trickle into" the new content, "a little bit more slowly, a little bit more elegantly".[8] Tom Chilton described the Brawler's Guild design as "a pretty heavy-handed method" of achieving this, although its secondary effect of initially making entry to the guild feel more selective and restricted was considered to be helpful in establishing the Guild's "Fight Club vibe".[8]
  • According to Ion Hazzikostas' speech at the BlizzCon 2016 What's Next Panel, the Brawler's Guild is "100% non-canon".
  • As of patch 5.1, the Deeprun Tram is also the home to the Brawler's Guild for the Alliance, which is located on the Stormwind side of the tram.


Patch changes[]

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1.5 (2019-03-12): Re-introduced with new challenges, new currency, new items, and a unique murder questline.
  • Legion Hotfix (2017-03-31): The Stranglethorn Streak Brawl is unavailable.
  • Legion Patch 7.1.5 (2017-01-10): Brawler's Guild re-introduced with new challenges, new currency, and new items. (Offical blog)
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Season 2 ended.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14):
    • Season 1 of the Brawler's has come to a close and associated achievements have been converted into Feats of Strength.
    • Fights will be unavailable while the Brawler's Guild is being refitted in preparation for Season 2 (available after Warlords of Draenor has launched.)
    • Account-wide membership in Brawler's Guild will carry over to Season 2. Once a brawler, always a brawler!
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.3.0 (2013-05-21): Test your might against two new tiers of bosses in the Brawl'gar Arena in Orgrimmar or Bizmo's Brawlpub in Stormwind.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2012-11-29):
    • Disruptron Mk. 3R-Alpha's attacks will no longer sometimes strike spectators in the Brawl'gar Arena. His attacks will now properly strike opponents standing on the grates in this arena.
    • Dark Summoner's health has been reduced by 10%, and his damage reduced by 35%.
    • Certain short-term buffs, such as Spell nature bloodlust [Bloodlust], are now cleared when entering the Brawler's Arena. Long term effects, such as Spell holy blessingofagility [Heart of the Wild], will persist.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.1.0 (2012-11-27): Added.


  1. ^ Patch 5.1 PTR Coming Soon
  2. ^ Brawler's Guild Invitation Update
  3. ^ Let's Talk About Brawler's Guild
  4. ^ Patch 7.1.5 Preview: The Return of the Brawler's Guild
  5. ^ Bizmo's Brawlpub Bouncer#Quotes
  6. ^ WarcraftDevs; opinionatedpup 2016-04-22. WarcraftDevs on Twitter. Twitter. Archived from the original on 2016-05-04. Retrieved on 2016-05-04.​ “The Brawler’s Guilds are going on hiatus. They said something about “preparing for the next big thing”.
  7. ^ Brawler's guild Season Two
  8. ^ a b c WoW Source: Patch 5.4 Developer Round Table

External links[]
