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Tracking wildpet Pet Battle System

Pet Tamers are NPCs that the player can fight using the Pet Battle System. They are located around the world, with pets ranging from beginner's level to master.

In order to fight pet tamers for the first time, you must have the appropriate quest sending you to fight them. You obtain the first of these quests from your battle pet trainer located in either Stormwind City or Orgrimmar when your pet reaches level 3.

There are prizes and achievements for winning against pet tamers. Defeating all of the tamers in any region will open up pet battle daily quests within that region. Once you have defeated all of the pet tamers required for Inv pet achievement defeatpettamer all [Taming Azeroth], you gain access to the title <Tamer>. Defeating 40 master tamers is the aim of Inv pet achievement defeatpettamer [Taming the World].

Eastern Kingdoms[]

Defeating all of the tamers in Eastern Kingdoms will earn the Alliance Achievement zone easternkingdoms 01 [Taming Eastern Kingdoms] achievement.

Pet Tamer Pet Level Pet Families Location
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Julia Stevens 2 BeastBeast Elwynn Forest [41.7, 83.7]VZ-Elwynn ForestBlip
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Old MacDonald 3 CritterFlyingMechanical Westfall [60.8, 18.5]VZ-WestfallBlip
Alliance IconSmall Human Girl Lindsay 5 CritterCritterCritter Redridge Mountains [33.3, 52.6]VZ-Redridge MountainsBlip
Alliance IconSmall Worgen Male Eric Davidson 7 BeastBeastBeast Duskwood [19.8, 44.5]VZ-DuskwoodBlip
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Steven Lisbane 9 BeastBeastMagic Northern Stranglethorn [46, 40.5]VZ-Northern StranglethornBlip
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Bill Buckler 11 FlyingFlyingHumanoid Cape of Stranglethorn [51.5, 73.4]VZ-Cape of StranglethornBlip
Neutral IconSmall Undead Male David Kosse 13 BeastCritterMagic The Hinterlands [63, 54.6]VZ-HinterlandsBlip
Neutral IconSmall DraeneiDeathKnight Female Deiza Plaguehorn 14 BeastBeastUndead Eastern Plaguelands [67, 52.4]VZ-Eastern PlaguelandsBlip
Neutral IconSmall DarkIron Male Kortas Darkhammer 15 DragonkinDragonkinDragonkin Searing Gorge [35.3, 27.8]VZ-Searing GorgeBlip
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Female Everessa 16 AquaticBeastFlying Swamp of Sorrows [76.8, 41.5]VZ-Swamp of SorrowsBlip
Neutral IconSmall DarkIron Male Durin Darkhammer 17 CritterElementalFlying Burning Steppes [25.5, 47.5]VZ-Burning SteppesBlip
Neutral IconSmall Undead Female Lydia Accoste 19 ElementalUndeadUndead Deadwind Pass [40, 76.5]VZ-Deadwind PassBlip


Defeating all of the tamers in Kalimdor will earn the Horde Achievement zone kalimdor 01 [Taming Kalimdor] achievement.

Pet Tamer Pet Level Pet Families Location
Horde IconSmall Troll Male Zunta 2 BeastCritter Durotar [44.1, 28.9]VZ-DurotarBlip
Horde IconSmall Orc Female Dagra the Fierce 3 BeastBeastCritter Northern Barrens [58.6, 53]VZ-Northern BarrensBlip
Horde IconSmall Undead Female Analynn 5 AquaticCritterFlying Ashenvale [20.2, 29.5]VZ-AshenvaleBlip
Horde IconSmall Troll Female Zonya the Sadist 7 BeastBeastCritter Stonetalon Mountains [59.6, 71.6]VZ-Stonetalon MountainsBlip
Horde IconSmall Tauren Female Merda Stronghoof 9 AquaticCritterElemental Desolace [57.1, 45.7]VZ-DesolaceBlip
Horde IconSmall Goblin Female Cassandra Kaboom 11 MechanicalMechanicalMechanical Southern Barrens [39.6, 79]VZ-Southern BarrensBlip
Neutral IconSmall Ogre Male Traitor Gluk 13 BeastCritterDragonkin Feralas [59.9, 49.6]VZ-FeralasBlip
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Grazzle the Great 14 DragonkinDragonkinDragonkin Dustwallow Marsh [53.9, 74.9]VZ-Dustwallow MarshBlip
Neutral IconSmall Grimtotem Female Kela Grimtotem 15 BeastCritterCritter Thousand Needles [31.9, 32.9]VZ-Thousand NeedlesBlip
Neutral IconSmall BloodElf Male Zoltan 16 MagicMagicMechanical Felwood [40, 56.6]VZ-FelwoodBlip
Neutral IconSmall NightElf Female Elena Flutterfly 17 DragonkinFlyingMagic Moonglade [46.1, 60.3]VZ-MoongladeBlip
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Stone Cold Trixxy 19 BeastDragonkinFlying Winterspring [65.6, 64.5]VZ-WinterspringBlip


Defeating all of the tamers in Outland will earn the Achievement zone outland 01 [Taming Outland] achievement.

Pet Tamer Pet Level Pet Families Location
IconSmall Gnome Female Nicki Tinytech 20 MechanicalMechanicalMechanical Hellfire Peninsula [64.3, 49.3]VZ-Hellfire PeninsulaBlip
IconSmall Sporeling Ras'an 21 FlyingHumanoidMagic Zangarmarsh [17.3, 50.5]VZ-ZangarmarshBlip
IconSmall Mag'har Male Narrok 22 AquaticBeastCritter Nagrand [61, 49.4]VZ-NagrandBlip
IconSmall Broken Male Morulu the Elder 23 AquaticAquaticAquatic Shattrath [58, 70]VZ-Shattrath CityBlip
IconSmall BloodElf Male Bloodknight Antari 24 MagicElementalDragonkin Shadowmoon Valley [30.4, 42]VZ-Shadowmoon ValleyBlip


Defeating all of the tamers in Northrend will earn the Achievement zone northrend 01 [Taming Northrend] achievement.

Pet Tamer Pet Level Pet Families Location
IconSmall Gnome Male Beegle Blastfuse 25 AquaticFlyingFlying Howling Fjord [28.6, 33.9]VZ-Howling FjordBlip
IconSmall ForsakenDeathKnight Male Nearly Headless Jacob 25 UndeadUndeadUndead Crystalsong Forest [50.1, 59]VZ-Crystalsong ForestBlip
IconSmall Orc Male Okrut Dragonwaste 25 DragonkinUndeadUndead Dragonblight [59, 77]VZ-DragonblightBlip
IconSmall Ghoul Gutretch 25 BeastBeastCritter Zul'Drak [13.2, 66.8]VZ-Zul'DrakBlip
IconSmall Human Male Major Payne 25 BeastElementalMechanical Icecrown [77.4, 19.6]VZ-IcecrownBlip


Defeating all of the tamers in Cataclysm content will earn the Achievement zone cataclysm [Taming Cataclysm] achievement.

Pet Tamer Pet Level Pet Families Location
IconSmall Tauren Male Brok 25 MagicBeastCritter Mount Hyjal [61.4, 32.7]VZ-Mount HyjalBlip
IconSmall Dwarf Male Bordin Steadyfist 25 ElementalCritterElemental Deepholm [50, 57]VZ-DeepholmBlip
IconSmall Orc Male Goz Banefury 25 ElementalMagicBeast Twilight Highlands [56.6, 56.8]VZ-Twilight HighlandsBlip
IconSmall Tol'vir Obalis 25 BeastCritterFlying Uldum [56.6, 42]VZ-UldumBlip


Defeating all of the tamers in Pandaria will earn the Inv pet achievement pandaria [Taming Pandaria] achievement.

Pet Tamer Pet Level Pet Families Location
IconSmall Pandaren Female Hyuna of the Shrines 25 FlyingBeastAquatic The Jade Forest [48.0, 54.1]VZ-Jade ForestBlip
IconSmall Pandaren Female Farmer Nishi 25 BeastElementalElemental Valley of the Four Winds [46.1, 43.7]VZ-Valley of the Four WindsBlip
IconSmall Hozen Mo'ruk 25 AquaticBeastFlying Krasarang Wilds [62.2, 45.9]VZ-Krasarang WildsBlip
IconSmall Pandaren Male Courageous Yon 25 FlyingCritterBeast Kun-Lai Summit [35.9, 73.7]VZ-Kun-Lai SummitBlip
IconSmall Jinyu Seeker Zusshi 25 ElementalCritterAquatic Townlong Steppes [36.3, 52.2]VZ-Townlong SteppesBlip
IconSmall Pandaren Male Wastewalker Shu 25 AquaticBeastElemental Dread Wastes [55.1, 37.5]VZ-Dread WastesBlip
IconSmall Pandaren Female Aki the Chosen 25 AquaticCritterDragonkin Vale of Eternal Blossoms [67.5, 40.7]VZ-Vale of Eternal BlossomsBlip

Pandaren Spirit tamers[]

Defeating all of these tamers in Pandaria will earn the Inv pet pandarenelemental [Pandaren Spirit Tamer] achievement.

Pet Tamer Pet Level Pet Families Location
IconSmall EarthSpirit Thundering Pandaren Spirit 25 ElementalMagicBeast Vale of Eternal Blossoms [67.5, 14.8]VZ-Vale of Eternal BlossomsBlip
IconSmall FireSpirit Burning Pandaren Spirit 25 DragonkinFlyingElemental Townlong Steppes [57.1, 42.2]VZ-Townlong SteppesBlip
IconSmall WaterSpirit Flowing Pandaren Spirit 25 AquaticAquaticElemental Dread Wastes [61.1, 87.6]VZ-Dread WastesBlip
IconSmall AirSpirit Whispering Pandaren Spirit 25 FlyingDragonkinElemental Jade Forest [28.8, 36.1]VZ-Jade ForestBlip

Darkmoon Faire[]

Pet Tamer Pet Level Pet Families Location
IconSmall Human Male Jeremy Feasel 25 MagicMechanicalBeast Darkmoon Island [47.0, 62.7]VZ-Darkmoon IslandBlip
IconSmall Human Male Christoph VonFeasel 25 MagicBeastBeast Darkmoon Island [47.2, 61.9]VZ-Darkmoon IslandBlip

Warlords of Draenor[]

Defeating all of these tamers in Draenor will earn the Achievement zone draenor 01 [Taming Draenor] achievement.

Pet Tamer Pet Level Pet Families Location
IconSmall Draenei Girl Ashlei 25 MagicMagicMagic Shadowmoon Valley[50.0, 31.2]VZ-Shadowmoon Valley (alternate universe)Blip
IconSmall BloodElf Female Cymre Brightblade 25 MechanicalUndeadMagic Gorgrond[51.0, 70.6]VZ-GorgrondBlip
IconSmall OrcBrown Female Gargra 25 BeastBeastBeast Frostfire Ridge[68.6, 64.6]VZ-Frostfire RidgeBlip
IconSmall Draenei Female Taralune 25 FlyingFlyingFlying Talador[49.0, 80.4]VZ-TaladorBlip
IconSmall Ogre2 Male Tarr the Terrible 25 HumanoidHumanoidHumanoid Nagrand[56.2, 9.8]VZ-Nagrand (alternate universe)Blip
IconSmall Arakkoa2 Vesharr 25 MechanicalFlyingFlying Spires of Arak[46.2, 45.4]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip

Pet experience bonus[]

Pet Tamers apply a trainer multiplier for pet XP earnt by defeating them. The exact multiplier varies between trainers.[1]

  • T = 0.1 when fighting most Menagerie battles (Squirt is a notable exception at T=5.0)
  • T = 1.0 when fighting wild pet battles (non-tamer battles)
  • T = 2.0 when fighting any Celestial Tournament tamer
  • T = 2.5 when fighting Zunta, Julia Stevens, Dagra the Fierce, or Old MacDonald
  • T = 3.0 when fighting any other Vanilla WoW tamer, Outlands Tamer, Northrend Tamer, or Cataclysm Tamer
  • T = 5.0 when fighting most WoD tamers, any Pandaria tamer, the Feasel brothers, and Little Tommy Newcomer.
  • T = 6.0 when fighting Ashlei

Patch changes[]

  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.3.0 (2013-05-21): Pet tamers are now marked on the world maps with Iconsmall poi196.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.1.0 (2012-11-27): Pandaren Spirit Tamers added.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.


  1. ^ WarcraftPets Forum - Carry Pet Experience