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A shaman trainer is an NPC that offers shamans the opportunity to train abilities and reset their talent points. A general rule-of-thumb for finding the local Shaman trainer is to search the city's more naturalistic and open areas. Druid trainers are usually found alongside them in such places.

Alliance Crest Alliance Trainers[]

Location Shaman Trainers
Bc icon Crash Site, Azuremyst Isle
(Draenei starting location)
IconSmall Broken Male Firmanvaar (6)
Bc icon Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle IconSmall Broken Male Tuluun (15)
Anvilmar, Dun Morogh IconSmall Wildhammer Male Teo Hammerstorm (5)
Kharanos, Dun Morogh IconSmall Wildhammer Male Halbin Frosthammer (10)
Temple of the Moon, Darnassus IconSmall Draenei Male Droha (60)
Bc icon The Crystal Hall, the Exodar IconSmall Furbolg Gurrag (40)
IconSmall Draenei Female Sulaa (50)
IconSmall Broken Male Hobahken (60)
IconSmall Broken Male Farseer Nobundo (70)
The Great Forge, Ironforge IconSmall Draenei Male Farseer Javad (50)
Dwarven District, Stormwind IconSmall Wildhammer Female Dalga Hammerbeak (50)
IconSmall Wildhammer Male Bolner Hammerbeak (50)
IconSmall Draenei Female Farseer Umbrua (60)
Training Hall, Stormwind IconSmall Dwarf Male Mulric Boldrock (40)
IconSmall Draenei Female Remaari (50)
Bc icon Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle IconSmall Broken Male Adrihi (25)
Thelsamar, Loch Modan IconSmall Wildhammer Female Grenhild Darktalon (25)
Theramore Isle]], Dustwallow Marsh IconSmall Wildhammer Female Raedra Windhammer (15-30)
Wrath-Logo-Small Silver Enclave, Dalaran IconSmall Draenei Female Farseer Lopaa (80)

Horde Crest Horde Trainers[]

Location Shaman Trainers
Valley of Trials, Durotar
(Orc starting location)
IconSmall Orc Female Shikrik (10)
Darkspear Training Grounds, Durotar
(Troll starting location)
IconSmall Troll Female Nekali (11)
Sen'jin Village, Durotar IconSmall Troll Female Cona (25)
Razor Hill Barracks, Razor Hill, Durotar IconSmall Orc Male Swart (15)
Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar IconSmall Troll Female Sian'tsu (40)
IconSmall Tauren Male Sagorne Creststrider (50)
IconSmall Orc Female Kardris Dreamseeker (60)
IconSmall Tauren Female Sahi Cloudsinger (60)
IconSmall Orc Female Terga Earthbreaker (60)
The Barracks Orgrimmar IconSmall Tauren Male Hretar Riverspeaker (1-60)
Goblin Slums, Orgrimmar IconSmall Goblin Female Environmental Engineer Linza (60)
Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar IconSmall Troll Male Witch Doctor Umbu (60)
Cataclysm KTC Headquarters, Kezan
(Goblin starting location)
Cataclysm Shipwreck Shore, The Lost Isles
Cataclysm Wild Overlook, The Lost Isles
Cataclysm Town-In-A-Box, The Lost Isles
Cataclysm Sky Falls, The Lost Isles
Cataclysm Gallywix Docks, The Lost Isles
IconSmall Goblin Male Maxx Avalanche (10)
Camp Narache, Mulgore
(Tauren starting location)
IconSmall Tauren Female Meela Dawnstrider (10)
Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore IconSmall Tauren Male Narm Skychaser (13)
IconSmall Tauren MaleTarl Cloudsong (1-30)
Bc icon Walk of Elders, Silvermoon City IconSmall Troll Female Gez'li (60)
Spirit Rise, Thunder Bluff IconSmall Tauren Male Tigor Skychaser (40)
IconSmall Tauren Female Siln Skychaser (50)
IconSmall Tauren Male Beram Skychaser (60)
IconSmall Tauren FemaleLama Cloudsong (50)
IconSmall Tauren MaleKador Cloudsong (1-30)
IconSmall Tauren MaleGarn Cloudsong (40)
The Apothecarium, Undercity IconSmall Tauren Female Mahala Cloudsong (60)
The Crossroads, Northern Barrens IconSmall Orc Female Brulla (25)
Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows IconSmall Orc Male Haromm (50)
IconSmall Orc Male Mok (15-30)
Wrath-Logo-Small Sunreaver's Sanctuary, Dalaran IconSmall Orc Female Murgha the Tempered (80)

Neutral Neutral Trainers[]

Location Shaman Trainers
Bc icon Terrace of Light, Shattrath City IconSmall Broken Male Darahu (70) (Aldor only)
IconSmall Broken Male Luknar (70)
Legion Storm's Eye Overlook, Heart of Azeroth IconSmall Tauren Female Tribemother Torra (10-45)
IconSmall Aggra Aggra (16-45)