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NeutralThe Sons of Hodir
Son of Hodir HS
Main leader IconSmall FrostGiant King Jokkum
Race(s) IconSmall FrostGiant Frost giant
Base of operations Dun Niffelem, Storm Peaks
Status Active
Quartermaster IconSmall FrostGiant Lillehoff

The Sons of Hodir are a clan[1] of frost giants located in Storm Peaks region of Northrend and named after the titanic watcher Hodir. They are a war-like race that make their home in Dun Niffelem.


Long ago the titans created "seed races", including giants, to watch the world of Azeroth together with watchers. The factions of frost giants named the Sons of Hodir struck up a friendship with the Titanic watcher Thorim. However, after being corrupted by Yogg-Saron, the Keeper Loken killed his brother's wife Sif, and tricked Thorim into believing that King Arngrim and the frost giants were responsible. In a fit of rage, Thorim threw his hammer, Krolmir, at Arngrim, who was in the middle of a battle against a clan of frost dwarves. The explosion of Krolmir striking the ground killed all those nearby and froze the entire tableau for all time, which is known today as Thunderfall.[1] While Thorim gave into despair and rested in a stupor for centuries at the Temple of Storms, the Sons of Hodir were deeply stunned at such an unexpected betrayal.

Wrath of the Lich King[]

Wrath-Logo-Small This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.
Dun Niffelem

Dun Niffelem in Storm Peaks.

Centuries later, at the time of the war against the Lich King, Thorim discovered the truth with the aid of adventurers serving the Sons of Hodir. Roused from his stupor, he vowed to take the fight against Loken. He enlisted the adventurers to help him to make up for his past sins and to regain the trust of the Sons of Hodir.[2] Members of the Sons of Hodir also encouraged adventurers to aid them in order to heal the rift between Thorim and the rest of the frost giants.[3]

While the Sons of Hodir were grateful for the adventurers' aid, they remarked that much had to be done in order to repair their relationship with the keeper, with some being even doubtful that the relationship could be repaired.[4][5] While Thorim prepared for the battle, adventurers were able to further prove their own worth to the Sons of Hodir, which allowed the hearts of the frost giants to soften to Thorim.[6] He eventually made peace with them, and they in turn have helped him reach out to other frost giants to make amends.[1]

After the clash between the brothers ended with Loken capturing Thorim, King Jokkum sent the adventurers to avenge Thorim by venturing into Halls of Lightning, in order to kill Loken.[7]

Main quest chain[]

The following quest chain will give you honored reputation for the Sons of Hodir.

  1. N [25-30] They Took Our Men!
  2. N [25-30] Leave No Goblin Behind
  3. N [25-30] The Crone's Bargain
  4. N [25-30] Mildred the Cruel
  5. N [25-30] Discipline
  6. N [25-30] Examples to be Made
  7. N [25-30] A Certain Prisoner
  8. N [25-30] A Change of Scenery
  9. N [25-30] Is That Your Goblin?
  10. N [25-30] The Hyldsmeet
  11. N [25-30] Taking on All Challengers
  12. N [25-30] You'll Need a Bear
  13. N [25-30] Bearly Hanging On
  14. N [25-30] Cold Hearted
  15. N [25-30] Deemed Worthy
  16. N [25-30] Making a Harness
  17. N [25-30] The Last of Her Kind
  18. N [25-30] The Warm-Up
  19. N [25-30] Into the Pit
  20. N [25-30] Prepare for Glory
  21. N [25-30] Lok'lira's Parting Gift
  22. N [25-30] The Drakkensryd
  23. N [25-30] Sibling Rivalry
  24. N [25-30] Mending Fences (+28,600 The Sons of Hodir)
  25. N [25-30] The Refiner's Fire
  26. N [25-30] A Spark of Hope (+28,600 The Sons of Hodir)
  27. N [25-30] Forging an Alliance (+325 The Sons of Hodir)
    Mandatory side quest:
    1. N [25-30] You Can't Miss Him (+75 The Sons of Hodir)
    2. N [25-30] Battling the Elements (+75 The Sons of Hodir)
      • Prerequisite for daily: N [25-30 Daily] Hot and Cold (+455 The Sons of Hodir)
  28. N [25-30] A New Beginning
  29. N [25-30] Veranus
  30. N [25-30] Territorial Trespass
  31. N [25-30] Krolmir, Hammer of Storms (+455 The Sons of Hodir)
    Mandatory side quests:
    1. N [25-30] Culling Jorcuttar (+325 The Sons of Hodir)
    2. N [25-30] In Memoriam (+325 The Sons of Hodir)
    3. N [25-30] A Monument to the Fallen (+75 The Sons of Hodir)
      • Prerequisite for daily: N [25-30 Daily] Hodir's Call (+455 The Sons of Hodir)
  32. N [25-30] The Terrace of the Makers
  33. N [25-30] The Earthen Oath & N [25-30] Loken's Lackeys
  34. N [25-30] The Reckoning
  35. N [20-30D] Stormherald Eljrrin (optional)
  36. N [20-30D] Whatever it Takes! (+650 The Sons of Hodir) & N [20-30D] Diametrically Opposed


The player will start as hated with The Sons of Hodir. To gain status you need to run the main quest chain which starts with N [25-30] They Took Our Men! in K3. Upon completing N [25-30] Mending Fences and N [25-30] A Spark of Hope, you will receive a large initial boost to your reputation, putting you well into honored.

To gain further reputation you can:

Hated Hostile Unfriendly Neutral Friendly Honored Revered Exalted Rep Item
N [25-30] Hodir's Tribute (R)
341 Inv misc rune 14 [Relic of Ulduar] x10
N [25-30 Daily] Hot and Cold
N [25-30 Daily] Hodir's Call
N [25-30] Everfrost (R)
455 Spell shadow teleport [Everfrost Chip] x1
N [25-30 Daily] A Viscous Cleaning
N [25-30 Daily] Spy Hunter
N [25-30 Daily] How To Slay Your Dragon
N [25-30 Daily] Feeding Arngrim

The rest of the dailies simply become available when the required reputation is reached.


You will be able to obtain rewards from Lillehoff at Honored status.

<The Sons of Hodir Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Honored Inv axe 82 [Lesser Inscription of the Axe] 75g Augment
Spell nature farsight [Lesser Inscription of the Crag] 75g Augment
Spell holy divinepurpose [Lesser Inscription of the Pinnacle] 75g Augment
Spell nature lightning [Lesser Inscription of the Storm] 75g Augment
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Mammoth Mining Bag] 5g Leatherworking (415)
Inv belt 31 [Giant Ring Belt] 20g 56s 13c Mail Waist
Inv shoulder 101 [Spaulders of Frozen Knives] 25g 79s 74c Leather Shoulder
Revered Ability mount mammoth white [Reins of the Ice Mammoth] 1,000g Mount
Inv weapon shortblade 71 [Broken Stalactite] 74g 10s 61c Dagger
Inv pants leather 11 [Giant-Friend Kilt] 37g 18s 90c Leather Legs
Inv shoulder 92 [Spaulders of the Giant Lords] 39g 11s 67c Plate Shoulder
Inv axe 30 [Stalactite Chopper] 73g 84s 14c One-Handed Axe
Exalted Inv axe 85 [Greater Inscription of the Axe] 100g Augment
Spell arcane teleportorgrimmar [Greater Inscription of the Crag] 100g Augment
Spell holy divinepurpose [Greater Inscription of the Pinnacle] 100g Augment
Spell nature lightningoverload [Greater Inscription of the Storm] 100g Augment
Ability mount mammoth white [Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth] 10,000g Mount
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Glacial Bag] 5g Tailoring (445)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Smooth Autumn's Glow] 4g Jewelcrafting (390)


  • The Sons of Hodir's claim to fame in Wrath of the Lich King is that they are the providers of all the Shoulder enchants for Wrath of the Lich King (except for scribe-only enchants). The first tier is available at Honored, the second at Exalted. The Honored shoulder Enchants for the Sons of Hodir are equivalent to the Exalted enchants provided by the Aldor and Scryers from the BC, although it might be better to burn any left over Inv misc dust 06 [Holy Dust] or Arcane Runes before spending money on the Sons of Hodir ones. It is worth noting that the shoulder enchants are Bind on Account, making it so only one character per server really needs to go through the grind of being exalted.

Patch changes[]

  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.3.0 (2009-12-08): Reputation gain has been sped up approximately 30%.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.


External links[]
